Laser Therapy INDICATION FOR LASER THERAPY Tendinitis Capsulitis Lymphadenitis Tennis elbow Arthralgia Trigger points Superficial neuritis Ligament strain Planter fasciitis Muscle tear Hematomas TFL syndrome Groin strains Achillis tendenitis Chondromalacia patellae Back pain Brusing CLINICAL EFFECTS OF LASERAnalgesic effectMyaorelaxation effectAntoflogistic effectAntidematous effectBactericidal and viricidal effectPHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTSIncrease in microcirculationIncrease of intracellular activity of many enzymes in kreb’s cycle Improved glucose utilization DNA synthesis stimulationIncreased fibroplast activityActivation of Na/P pump Local level changes of mediators-histamines, prostaglandins, endorphins etc.EFFECT OF LASER ON WOUND HEALINGImproved cell proliferationIncreased SEROTONINStrengthening the immune system response through increasing levels of lymphocytesAcupuncture point stimulation