Physical Activity
All leisure and non-leisure body movement produced by the skeletal muscles and resulting in a substantial increase in resetting energy expenditure
A form of leisure-time physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive. Its main objective is to improve or maintain physical fitness
Physical Fitness
A set of attributes that are either health related or performance (or skill) related. Health related fitness comprises those components of fitness that exhibit a relationship with health status. Performance/skill related fitness involves those components of fitness that enable optimal work or sport performance.
Health has physical, social, and psychological dimensions, each characterized on a continuu positive and negative poles. Positive health is associated with a capacity to enjoy life. Continuous passive mobilizer is applied in treating diseases of the knee including joint distortion and contusion, synovectomy, menisectomy and patellectomy operations. It is of immense help in joint replacement surgeries of knee and hip joints.
Intermittent and static traction units are used in spinal nerve root impingement, degenerative disc diseases, spinal stenosis, and in muscle spasms of cervical and lumbar regions.
Moist heat packs helps
Moist heat packs helps in increasing blood flow, in muscle relaxation and in reducing pains.
Cryotherapy or cold packs helps in treatment of acute sprains and strains and in reducing pain, spasticity, muscle spasms and swelling.